Burdock Group’s SOT Student Scientific Award applications are open to a qualified full-time graduate and undergraduate student attending (virtually) the SOT 60th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, March 12-26, 2021, with research interests in the toxicology of food and food ingredients. Students early in their graduate training who have not attended an SOT Annual Meeting are particularly encouraged to apply.
Up to $1,000 per student to cover meeting and other expenses not met by other funding or awards.
Recognition plaque commemorating the event.
Submission documents to include:
A very brief essay discussing the student’s research and training and how it related to food safety/toxicology (1/2 page or less)
A letter from anyone in the toxicology department, indicating the student is enrolled and in good standing in a masters or doctoral training program in toxicology or related program (and not possessing another doctoral-level degree). Post-doctoral trainees are not eligible, nor are previous awardees.
A list of any other travel award(s) received for this meeting or previous meetings.
Proof of full-time graduate or undergraduate status (scanned copy of student ID is sufficient).
The awardee must attend the virtual FSSS meeting to accept the award and grants permission for his/her image to appear in the Burdock Group newsletter and/or marketing materials.
Submit applications to info@burdockgroup.com
DEADLINE: Friday, February 19, 2021